November 2020: Anthony Forlini Was Elected Macomb County Clerk. According to the Macomb County website, Forlini was elected Count Clerk-Register of Deeds with 51 percent of the vote in November 2020. [Macomb County, 11/3/20]

2024: Republican Anthony Forlini Was Elected As Macomb County Clerk And Register Of Deeds Serving 2025 Through 2028. [Macomb County, 11/5/24]


August 2021: Anthony Forlini: “I Can’t Tell You” Whether Or Not 2020 Election Was Hacked. “Macomb County Clerk Anthony Forlini is delving into election technology to discover whether last November’s presidential election could have been hacked and to ensure the integrity of future elections. […] ‘I want integrity in elections. I want confidence in election,’ the Republican clerk told The Macomb Daily. ‘I can’t tell you whether it (2020 election) was hacked. I might be able to with more information.’” [Macomb Daily, 08/23/21]

August 2021: Anthony Forlini Said He Received “A Handful” Of Affidavits From People Claiming Their Vote Was Cast, Said He Was Investigating Whether There Was “Fraud” And Suggested It’s “Easy To Cheat” On Absentee Ballots. “Forlini said Friday he has received ‘a handful’ of affidavits from citizens alleging their vote was cast without their knowledge or other some sort of discrepancy, adding he is reviewing them to determine, ‘was their [sic] a mistake made, or was there fraud involved.’ Forlini said the state needs to upgrade the security of absentee ballots, which he said can be easily manipulated. ‘It’s easy to cheat’ on absentee ballots, he said, declining to elaborate.” [Macomb Daily, 08/23/21]


Anthony Forlini Sought A “Forensic Audit” Of The 2020 Election Performed By Pro V&V That Ultimately Found No Outside Interference. “A forensic audit of election technology in Michigan's third largest county found "no outside interference," Republican Macomb County Clerk Anthony Forlini revealed Thursday. The examination and report from Alabama-based Pro V&V, a company that tests voting systems, further rebuts conspiracy theories by some supporters of former President Donald Trump that election equipment in the battleground state was hacked during the 2020 election. "As a result of the audit dated January 5, 2022, we learned that there was no outside interference in our election server, our election software, as well as our modem communication systems," Forlini wrote in a letter released Thursday, the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. "This was just one step to restore confidence in the election process," the clerk added. Forlini, a former state representative who was elected clerk in 2020, contracted with Pro V&V for the forensic audit, in part, to examine the technology and components used to operate the county's election management system and perform post-election results processing. The GOP clerk said he wanted to ensure the hardware and software Macomb County used to administer elections was sound, he has said previously.” [The Detroit News, 1/6/22]

Anthony Forlini Claimed The Audit Was “Just One Step To Restore Confidence In The Election Process.” “"As a result of the audit dated January 5, 2022, we learned that there was no outside interference in our election server, our election software, as well as our modem communication systems," Forlini wrote in a letter released Thursday, the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. "This was just one step to restore confidence in the election process," the clerk added. Forlini, a former state representative who was elected clerk in 2020, contracted with Pro V&V for the forensic audit, in part, to examine the technology and components used to operate the county's election management system and perform post-election results processing.” [The Detroit News, 1/6/22]

October 2021: Forlini Promoted His Audit In Right-Wing Media And Was Praised By CyFIR Founder Ben Cotton. “Forlini wasn’t serving as county clerk during the contentious 2020 election, but he’s made big changes since taking office. ‘I firmly believe that what Tony is doing here with this accomplishes a couple of goals, and I think he’s ahead of the trend,’ [said Ben Cotton, founder of the digital forensics company CyFIR].” [Black Tea News, 10/15/21]

March 2022: Anthony Forlini Posted An Endorsement Of His Audit From Election-Denier Matt DePerno. “We recently got a fist bump of recognition from someone that appreciated our work on election integrity.” ****[Forlini for Us, Facebook, 3/17/22]


October 2022: Anthony Forlini Made A Post Quoting From His Speech Urging Public Servants to “Bring Strength To Fair Elections” And Shine Light “Upon The Shadows of Corruption.” [Forlini for Us, Facebook, 10/5/22]


Spring 2022: Anthony Forlini Hired Genevieve Peters, Who Took Part In The Insurrection, To A Newly-Created Job To Train Poll Workers For Elections. “Macomb County Clerk Anthony Forlini’s hiring of a 2020 election denier who attended the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and ‘Stop the Steal’ protests in Detroit and Lansing has drawn national attention. Republican Forlini defended his hiring earlier this year of Genevieve Peters, saying she was the best person for a newly-created job this year to train poll workers for elections, and is allowed to ‘have her own personal beliefs’ that don’t impact her duties.” [Macomb Daily, 10/17/22]

Anthony Forlini Defended Peters’ Hiring, Saying She Had Experience. “Forlini said he was impressed with Peters’ background and noted a team of three people, including a representative of county Human Relations, interviewed and forwarded her as the No. 1 applicant for the post. He agreed. He noted she has a strong background in teaching and preparing teaching materials. Peters for nearly 20 years has operated Peters Procedures Training and from 2011 to 2018 was an election supervisor, training and supervising employees for the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.” [Macomb Daily, 10/17/22]