2024: Republican Bob Genetski Was Elected As Allegan County Clerk Serving 2025 Through 2028. [Allegan County, 11/5/24]

Robert Genetski Was Allegan County Clerk During The 2024 Election Cycle. [Allegan County, accessed 6/27/24]


Robert Genetski After Watching 2000 Mules: “Exposing And Ending Corrupt Elections Is The Single Most Important Thing We Can Do To Save Our Democracy.” [Twitter, @EconBobG, 5/24/22]

April 2022:  Robert Genetski Shared An Article Claiming Intelligence Community Officials Altered 2020 Election Outcome. [Robert Genetski, Facebook, 4/1/22]


Robert Genetski Sued Michigan Director Of Elections Regarding Signature-Matching Requirements In Absentee Voter Ballot Applications. “Plaintiff Robert Genetski is the Allegan County Clerk. He, along with plaintiff Michigan Republican Party, filed a complaint alleging that defendant Benson’s October 6, 2020 guidance is unlawful. The December 20, 2020 amended complaint alleges that the presumption in favor of finding valid signatures is unlawful, as is the directive to find ‘any redeeming qualities’ for signatures.’” [Democracy Docket, Court Opinion, Exhibit G, 5/6/24]

October 2020: Secretary Of State Benson Had Instructed County Clerks To Presume The Accuracy Of Absentee Ballot Signatures. “State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray has ruled invalid Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance issued to Michigan clerks in early October that instructed them to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures.  Because Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance, clerks do not need to comply with it for future elections, Murray ruled last week.” [The Detroit News, 3/15/21]

Robert Genetski And The Michigan Republican Party Filed Sued Before The November 2020 Elections, Claiming The Guidance Allowed For “Invalid” Ballots To Count. “The Michigan Republican Party and Allegan County Clerk Robert Genetski, who jointly filed their complaint prior to the Nov. 3 election, claimed the signature standards allowed for “invalid” ballots to be counted.” [The Detroit News, 3/15/21]

March 2021: A State Court Of Claims Judge Ruled Benson’s Guidance Was Invalid Because Benson Did Not Go Through The Proper Rule-Making Process. “State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray has ruled invalid Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance issued to Michigan clerks in early October that instructed them to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures. Because Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance, clerks do not need to comply with it for future elections, Murray ruled last week.” [The Detroit News, 3/15/21]

The Judge Noted In His Opinion That Robert Genetski Never Claimed The Guidance Issued Caused Him To Accept A Signature He Believes Was Invalid. “According to the March 9 opinion and order issued by Judge Christopher M. Murray, Benson issued instructions that constituted “rules” without following the process for creating a formal rule under state and federal law. Murray wrote that “the guidance issued by the Secretary of State on October 6, 2020, with respect to signature-matching standards was issued in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act.” [...] Murray noted in his opinion that Genetski, however, never claimed the “guidance caused him to accept a signature that he believed was invalid.”” [The Detroit News, 3/15/21]