2023: Carlene Kavelaris Was Appointed To A Four-Year Term On The Dickinson County Board Of Canvassers. According to the Dickinson County board meeting minutes from September 25, 2023, Kavelaris was elected to the Board of Canvassers. [Dickinson County, 9/25/23]
Carlene Kavelaris Wrote A Letter To The Editor Urging People To Oppose Prop 2 Because It Would “Make Us Highly Vulnerable To Voter Fraud.” “On the November ballot there are three proposals that would amend our state constitution and drastically change Michigan permanently. All should be voted down and soundly defeated. The wording of each is very deceptive: — Proposal 1: Term limits and transparency for elected representatives. This will actually double the amount of years a legislator can serve. So much for limiting them! — Proposal 2: Regarding elections, this would allow voting by mail for everyone permanently. It would make drop boxes readily available and does not require an ID be shown. Where’s the chain of custody? Where’s proof of citizenship or residency? This would make us highly vulnerable to voter fraud. — Proposal 3: Reproductive freedom would nullify certain parental rights and make Michigan the most pro-abortion state in the country and would end the ban on taxpayer funding for abortions. I urge you to read the proposals carefully and see that they are deceptive, confusing and extreme. For Michigan they are a “no, no and no”!” [Iron Mountain Daily News, 10/22/22]
Carlene Kavelaris Posted A Meme Urging Claiming Trump Was Fighting Evil We Cannot Imagine And Urging God To Protect Him From Those Who Would Destroy Him. [Facebook, Carlene Kavelaris, 7/26/24]
Carlene Kavelaris Posted A Meme That Read “If Trump Actually Did All The Things He’s Accused Of Doing, He Could Run As A Democrat!” In A Local Gossip Group. [Carlene Kavelaris, Facebook, 4/6/24] ****