2023: Gary Gielczyk Was Appointed To A Four-Year Term On The Board Of Canvassers. “Appointed Gary Gielczyk as the Republican candidate and Pete Brown as the Democratic candidate for the Board of Canvassers, their term to expire on November 1, 2027. [Benzie County, 9/26/23]


Gary Gielczyk, When Defending An Election Denier, Compared The “Big Lie” To Hillary Clinton And Stacey Abrams’ Post-Election Behaviors. “In the Nov. 17 edition of the Record Patriot, John Marshall wrote in support of the Secure Ml Vote petition. I support the petition and collected signatures for it. A subsequent letter critical of the petition contained some misleading assertions. John did not dispute the outcome of the 2020 presidential election but pointed out anomalies that occurred across the country. The writer criticizing John refers to the "Big Lie". It is ironic that Hillary Clinton claims "that you can have an election stolen from you" (USA Today) and Stacy Abrams still refuses to concede her loss in the Georgia gubernatorial race ( [...] Gary Gielczyk Honor” [Gary Gielczyk, Benzie County Record Patriot, 12/15/21]


Gary Gielczyk Argued Mail-In Voting Would Lead To Increased Fraud. “The letter also states "that there is no credible evidence that voting by mail is less secure". There have been many cases of fraud, most of them involving absentee and mail in ballots. According to the New York Times, in the late 1990s a judge threw out a Miami, Florida mayoral election and ordered a redo because of "a pattern of fraudulent, intentional and criminal conduct". Dozens of people were criminally charged. In 2005, the bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission (Democrats Jimmy Carter and Tom Daschle, hardly conservatives, were members) issued a report that widespread absentee voting makes fraud more likely. They proposed requiring photo ID and that states make photo ID available free to all who request it. The Secure Ml Vote petition requires this. Most European countries do not allow mail in voting. Of those that do, about half a dozen allow for restricted categories only (out of country, disabled etc.).”  [Gary Gielczyk, Benzie County Record Patriot, 12/15/21]


Gary Gielczyk Supported And Collected Signatures For The Secure MI Vote Petition. “In the Nov. 17 edition of the Record Patriot, John Marshall wrote in support of the Secure Ml Vote petition. I support the petition and collected signatures for it. A subsequent letter critical of the petition contained some misleading assertions. [...] Gary Gielczyk Honor”  [Gary Gielczyk, Benzie County Record Patriot, 12/15/21]

The Secure MI Vote Initiative Would Tighten Michigan’s Voting And Election Laws And Would Use A Constitutional Provision To Send To The State Legislature To Pass Without The Possibility Of A Veto By The Governor. “Petitions to tighten Michigan voting and election laws could soon hit the streets after the Board of State Canvassers on Thursday granted tentative approval to an initiative by the Secure MI Vote committee. The Republican group aims to collect at least 340,047 voter signatures to send its initiative to the state Legislature, where organizers expect GOP majorities will enact it into law, using a unique constitutional provision to circumvent a veto by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.” [Bridge Michigan, 9/23/21]

Gary Gielczyk Defended The Mechanism For Passing The Secure MI Vote Petition, Saying A Law Passed By The Legislature Was More Democratic Than A One-Person Veto. “The critical writer further states that if 3.4% of Michigan voters sign the petition "it could change rights of" the majority supporting more absentee ballot access. Again, misleading, as the petition must still pass the Michigan House and Senate. It would prevent one person, our governor, from vetoing the bill. I think we can all agree that a law passed by our legislature (148 members) is more democratic than a one person veto. [...] Gary Gielczyk Honor”  [Gary Gielczyk, Benzie County Record Patriot, 12/15/21]


Gary Gielczyk Endorsed Rep. Jack Bergman For Reelection. “"I don't know a country in the world that doesn't have borders and doesn't want to know who is coming into their country." John Kennedy In 2021, the border patrol reported 1.7 million interactions with migrants attempting to cross. Approximately a third were detained and/or released into the U.S. In addition, there were an estimated 540,000 got-aways that entered without detection. That means more than 1 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. in one year. In addition, we issued 700,000 visas to legal immigrants. Legal options, combined with strong border enforcement, are important. U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman is a strong supporter of our border and deserves re-election. Gary Gielczyk Honor” [Gary Gielczyk, Traverse City Record-Eagle, 10/29/22]

December 2020: Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman Joined The Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden’s 2020 Victory. “Michigan State Representative Jack O’Malley is one of 12 legislators who signed onto a legal brief supporting a lawsuit by the Texas attorney general that seeks to overturn President-Elect Joe Biden’s presidential victory on November 3. […] Congressman Jack Bergman, who represents Michigan’s 1st District including the Upper Peninsula and the northern third of the Lower Peninsula, also joined the suit together with three other Republican Congressmen from Michigan.” [Glen Arbor Sun, 12/11/20]