11/11/20: Helmut Fritz Shared An Electoral Map From The Epoch Times That Indicated Trump Was Winning, Adding “Thankfully, It Isn’t The Press That Declares An Incoming Presidency.” [Facebook, Helmut Fritz, 11/11/20]
12/3/20: Helmut Fritz Wrote “Boo Biden Boo! Who Elected You?” And Shared A Handwritten Image With The Same Written On It. [Facebook, Helmut Fritz, 12/3/20]
Helmut Fritz Was The Sole Vote In Opposition To The Removal Of A Republican Candidate For Milwaukee County Board, The Candidate Circulated Nomination Signatures Via The Incorrect Form. Urban Milwaukee reported “Ryan Antczak, a former Republican Assembly candidate, circulated nomination signatures using the wrong paperwork. The Milwaukee County Election Commission reviewed the matter during a meeting Friday. Antczak’s opponent, incumbent Sup. Juan Miguel Martinez, attended the meeting to challenge Antczak’s plea for ballot access. [...] The commission, on party lines, voted 2-1 to remove Antczak from the ballot. Democratic appointees Tim Posnanski and Dawn Martin voted in favor. Republican appointee Helmut Fritz voted in opposition.” [Urban Milwaukee, 01/05/2024]