
Notion is a powerful tool for centralizing and sharing information. Informing Democracy piloted this tool for our Virginia 2023 Election Administration + Certification report.

For visitors, Notion operates much like any other website, providing the opportunity to dig deeper into our research and find the information you need. Below are some of the features of Notion and how to use them.

Front Page

The front page or homepage of this report serves as a table of contents and entry point to find the information you are looking for. You can click on any of the links on this page to be taken to individual report pages, timelines, and databases.

You’ll also note throughout the report the use of blue and orange ballot icons to indicate the type of research:

Small Blue.png

Legal research and election process

Strategic research and potential threats


Links in Notion operate like they do on any other website. Anywhere that you see underlined text, that is a link to another page, database entry, or external resource.

Database Entries

Throughout our research, you’ll find links to database entries, such as our Bibliography or Library of Election Officials and Research Findings. If you want to further explore these resources, you can click the link to see the full database.

Page Links

Throughout Notion, you’ll also find links to other relevant pages within the research report. Those appear with an arrow, indicating they will take you to another page. They look like this:

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Our Notion report is fully searchable. At the top right of any page, you can enter a search word or term into the search bar to search the content of all of the report’s pages and subpages. The search will return any matching results.

Databases: Additional Views + Additional Information

Notion allows us to share our research in the form of databases, which allows for deeper engagement with our findings.

Additional Views

For some of our databases, such as the , we have set up different ways to view this information (e.g. Timeline View, Calendar View, or Table View). You can use the tabs at the top of the database to toggle between these different views.

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