2023: Jeffrey Dobbs Was To Be Nominated To The Board Of Canvassers By Alcona GOP Chairman Carrie Mullins. “Carrie Mullins, Chairman […] Board of Canvassers: Carrie will nominate Jeff & Jess Dobbs to replace Jaynee Germond and Drew Wagner.” [Alcona County Republicans, 6/28/23]
Jeffrey Dobbs Posted A Meme Disputing The 2020 Election That Said 81 Million Votes For Biden Did Not Happen. [Facebook, Jeff Dobbs, 3/2/22]
Jeffrey Dobbs Implied James Craig Should Have Done More To Prevent “A Certain Other Election From Being Stolen,” Adding A 2,000 Mules Hashtag. [Jeff Dobbs, Facebook, 6/6/22]
Jeffrey Dobbs Posted An Article Claiming There Was A “Disturbing Chinese Connection” To Election Technology In Michigan. [Jeff Dobbs, Facebook, 8/26/22]
Jeffrey Dobbs Posted A Conspiracy Theory About Dominion Voting Machines. [Jeff Dobbs, Facebook, 3/3/22]
Since At Least 2021, Jeffrey Dobbs Has Been Vice Chairman Of The Alcona County Republicans. “Opening: The Meeting called to order by Carrie Mullins at the Chosen Ranch Community Center (CRCC) at 7:04pm. Present: Carrie Mullins, Chairman Jeffrey Dobbs, Vice Chairman Jessica Dobbs, Secretary” [Alcona County Republicans, 9/28/21]
2022: Jeffrey Dobbs And The Alcona County Republicans Endorsed Ryan Kelley’s Campaign For Governor, Citing His Support For A “Full Forensic Audit.” “Your strong support of a Full Forensic Audit, your die-hard support of Constitutional Carry, your staunch opposition to any further lock-downs, your antimony to Educational Indoctrination, your wish to protect Medical Freedom, your passion in defending the unborn, and your promotion of a Strong Michigan Economy are but a few of the many qualifications we see within you. […] Ryan D. Kelley has the unwavering endorsement of the Alcona County Republicans. Sincerely, Carrie Mullins, Alcona County Republicans Chair & Jeffrey Dobbs, Alcona County Republicans Vice Chair Unanimously approved by all Alcona County Republican Executive Board members present.” [Alcona County Republicans, 1/24/22]
2022: Jeffrey Dobbs And The Alcona County Republicans Endorsed Kristina Karamo For Michigan Secretary Of State, Citing Her Willingness To “Investigate Fraud Claims Instead Of Writing Them Off As A Conspiracy Theory.” “First, the Kristina Karamo campaign for Michigan Secretary of State is by far, the strongest on Election Security. We have seen that you will investigate fraud claims instead of writing them off as a conspiracy theory. Your campaign is also focused on improving the DMV/SOS offices for Michiganders all around the state, and you are the candidate who wishes to protect the identity of citizens within Michigan. Perhaps most importantly, you are the one who understands the severe and very real threats that are posed to our very elections by using secretive Black Box Voting systems. […] Therefore, the Alcona County Republicans are proud to announce that you have our official endorsement for Secretary of State of Michigan. Sincerely, Carrie Mullins, Alcona County Republicans Chair & Jeffrey Dobbs, Alcona County Republicans Vice Chair Unanimously approved by all Alcona County Republican Executive Board members present.” [Alcona County Republicans, 1/24/22]
2022: Jeffrey Dobbs And The Alcona County Republicans Endorsed Matt DePerno For Attorney General, Citing His “Staunch Work On The Antrim County Voting Issues.” “Your extensive and diligent work for We the People in regards to your unwavering drive to expose Voter Fraud in Antrim County (and other places) in the 2020 Election, has not escaped our notice. […] As such, we of the Alcona County Republicans want the people of Alcona County, and the State of Michigan to know that we are officially endorsing Matt DePerno for the role of Michigan Attorney General. We ask everyone within the State of Michigan, Alcona County, and our esteemed Precinct Delegates to do the same. Sincerely, Carrie Mullins, Alcona County Republicans Chair & Jeffrey Dobbs, Alcona County Republicans Vice Chair Approved by the Alcona County Republican Executive Board members present.” [Alcona County Republicans, 2/21/22]