In 2021 Mary Magdalen Moser Filed A Complaint, Along With Other Electors, Alleging That The City Of Kenosha Violated State And Federal Election Laws By Working With Private Corporations To Assist With Election Administration. According to the complaint, “In the November 2020 general election, the City of Kenosha adopted private corporation conditions on the election process affecting state and federal elections. In this case, Kenosha involved private corporations and their employees in the City's state and federal election administration. By doing so, Kenosha failed to comply with state laws, including obtaining from the Commission a prior determination of the legality of the private corporate conditions in the election process, and failed to comply with the U.S. Constitution's Elections and Electors Clauses which guarantee the state Legislature the exclusive role in approving Wisconsin's legal conditions relating to federal elections.” Wisconsin Elections Commission, Complaint, filed [03/31/2021]

Mary Magdalen Moser And Her Fellow Complainants Alleged That The City Of Kenosha’s Partnership With Private Corporations To Assist With Election Administration Did Fall Under The Electors Clause As Defined By The December 24, 2020 U.S. Court Of Appeals For The Seventh Circuit’s Rejection Of The Trump Campaign’s Elector Clause Argument. Wisconsin Elections Commission, Complaint, filed [03/31/2021]

Mary Magdalen Moser’s Complaint Sought Subpoenas Of Election Officials And To Exclude Meagan Wolfe From An Investigatory Role, And An Order Kenosha Broke The Law During Its Election. “The investigation should employ all of the Commission's authority by compelling document production, depositions, and testimony of the Respondents, Kenosha elected officials, Kenosha election officials, Kenosha employees, Tiana Epps-Johnson and her employer Center for Tech and Civic Life, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein and his employer National Vote at Home Institute, Ryan Chew and his employer The Elections Group, Ideas42, Power the Polls, Mikva Challenge, US Digital Response, Center for Civic Design, Eric Ming and his employer CSME, Brennan Center, HVS Productions, and Modern Selections and others involved. The Commission should prohibit Respondent Meagan Wolfe from any investigatory role because of a conflict of interest due to her being a Respondent. The Commission should issue an order requiring the Administrator, City of Kenosha and its City Clerk to conform their conduct to Wisconsin Statutes and the Election and Electors Clauses, restrain themselves from taking any action inconsistent with Wisconsin Statutes and the Election and Electors Clauses and require them to correct their actions and decisions inconsistent with Wisconsin Statutes and the Election and Electors Clauses-including prohibiting the placement of private corporate conditions on state and federal elections and the involvement of private corporation and their employees in election administration. The Commission should issue an order declaring that Kenosha's private conditions on federal elections and engagement of private corporations and their employees in election administration violated state law and federal law.” Wisconsin Elections Commission, Complaint, filed [03/31/2021]

According To A Press Release Issued By The Amistad Project, The Complaint Accused Kenosha Of Participating “In An Unlawful Scheme To Privatize The 2020 Elections In Order To Benefit Presidential Candidate Joe Biden.” “The Amistad Project, the nation's leading election integrity watchdog, is holding a press conference today with Brown County Clerk Sandy Juno and five Kenosha residents to announce the filing of a formal complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission accusing the city of participating in an unlawful scheme to privatize the 2020 elections in order to benefit presidential candidate Joe Biden. WHO: Erick Kaardal, Attorney, The Amistad Project; Sandy Juno, former Brown County Clerk; Matt Augustine, Kenosha resident; Brian Thomas, Kenosha resident; Tamara Weber, Kenosha resident; Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha resident; Mary Magdalen Moser, Kenosha resident” [The Amistad Project, Press Release, 4/30/21]


2020: Mary Magdalen Moser Was Arrested After She Attempted To Gain Access To A Kenosha County Board Meeting That Was Closed Due To COVID-19. Fox 6 reported, “A Kenosha County woman, 57, was arrested and cited Tuesday, May 5 after sheriff's officials said she attempted to gain access to a Kenosha County Board meeting at the Kenosha County Administration Building -- closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Members of the public interested in being part of the meeting were advised it was available virtually or by phone, and they would not be allowed to attend in person, sheriff's officials said. In a news release Wednesday, sheriff's officials identified the woman as Mary Magdalen Moser. [...] She received two citations for obstructing an officer and resisting arrest, and later released. Moser said she looks forward to fighting the tickets.” [Fox 6, 05/06/2020]


Mary Magdalen Moser Accused The Kenosha School Board Of Violating Open Meetings Law By “Throw[ing] This Little Hissy Fit” Over The Public’s Refusal To Remove Campaign Signs. “The special meeting of the Kenosha Unified School Board was done before it started, after several members of the public refused to remove signs they carried into the meeting. The signs were in support of board member Eric Meadows, who now has to face a run for office after a previous successful election was voided due to a clerical error. Special KUSD School Board meeting suspended The meeting, which was planned to interview and possibly appoint a candidate to fill Meadows' current seat, never commenced after Board President Yolanda Adams asked for members of the public to remove their campaign signs. The meeting was scheduled at the Indian Trail High School and Academy auditorium. According to School Board Policy 1510, "No advertising will be permitted on school buildings or any District owned property if it advertises or promotes products or services or uses imagery, verbiage or other methods of communication (a) that pertains to products or services that are unlawful or prohibited in school, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco or other harmful substances; (b) that are inappropriate for the intended age group, such as those related to the promotion of sexual activity; (c) that is political in nature; (d) or that is inconsistent with the District mission or educational objectives." [...] Some crowd members claimed the board was violating the open meeting law because it called a meeting, despite it never being called to order. "Tonight's meeting was a noticed public meeting. And it is a violation of Wisconsin Open Meetings laws for them to throw this little hissy fit," said Mary Magdalen Moser, a Kenosha resident, who attended the meeting. "That's the other problem is are they having an illegal quorum, because there's only seven people on this board. And if they have four people in the back room talking when an announced, open, public meeting is supposed to be taking place, and they are illegally forming in a different room." Adams, after the meeting, clarified there were only ever three board members in a separate room together at one time, thus avoiding a quorum. Moser said she also had issues with the appointment process, in general. "I have a huge issue with that, and the way they're conducting the meeting itself," Moser said.” [Kenosha NEws, 2/20/23]


Mary Moser Wrote An Op-Ed That Advocated Against Democrats Running For Kenosha School District And Accusing Them Of Using “Elitist, Gas-Lighting, Propaganda.” According to an op-ed written by Mary Magdalen Moser in the Kenosha News, “So Democrats Tod Ohnstad, Tip McGuire and Bob Wirch oppose citizens showing up at the Kenosha Unified School District Annual Meeting of Electors and voting? That sure tells us all we need to know about how little they care about constituent opinions, democracy and parents’ rights. They dishonestly claimed that KUSD had two “raucous, out-of-control” meetings which only proves that none of them attended either meeting or even bothered to watch the videos. I challenge anyone to watch the KUSD Meeting of Electors and try to stay awake, it was that “raucous.” Their strawman appeal to civility is just too rich coming from anyone on the left. This elitist, gas-lighting, propaganda is outrageous after the KUSD Board — without any statutory authority — canceled a noticed, public meeting over its ridiculous demand for social distancing while no state of emergency existed. The KUSD Board ran away rather than listen to citizens face-to-face, so it appears they need a lecture on the rule of law and respecting others much more than we taxpayers do. Tod, Tip and Bob should attend a Kenosha County Board meeting and watch their fellow elected leftists cut the mics when elected conservatives are speaking before they chastise citizens about “disparaging the duly elected members” of governing bodies. This pathetic, condescending, shaming of Kenosha County citizens is precisely the reason every single Democrat must be voted out of elected office. We who showed up at those meetings are the majority; Democrats just don’t care and refuse to listen to us. We are fed up with their patronizing disdain for our values and we will not be bullied or shamed into silence.” [Kenosha News, Op-ed, 10/26/2021]