November 2021: Maureen Jeannot Was Appointed To A Four-Year Term On The Board Of Canvassers. According to Benzie County, Jeannot was serving a four-year term on the board of canvassers, which began in November 2021. [Benzie County, 7/26/24]

August 2024: Maureen Jeannot Was Elected As Supervisor In Lake Township. “Top Republican delegates in Lake Township were Maureen Jeannot and Charles Clarke in a close race over Bob Costello, Donna Clarke, Jeannette Feeheley and Jennifer Brogley, with 94- 83-82-75-72-65 votes respectively.” ****[Traverse City Record-Eagle, 8/8/24]

**November 2022: Maureen Jeannot Was The Lake Township Recorder. “**The Lake Township Planning Commission held a regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 6:30 pm at Lake Township Hall ( 5153 Scenic Hwy, Honor MI). J. Rothhaar called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Members Present; John Rothhaar Mark Janeczko Carl Lightfoot Kyle Orr Jackie Randall Others Present; Bob Blank, Township Zoning Administrator | Maureen Jeannot, Recorder” [Lake Township, 11/17/22]


December 2020: Maureen Jeannot Wrote A Letter To The Editor Defending Rep. Bergman’s Efforts To Overturn The Election, Saying He “Stood For Election Integrity.” “Michigan's Secretary of State subverted Michigan state law and constitutional precedent, and I applaud Rep. Jack Bergman for standing up for his constituents. He knows the future of our republic is much bigger than him or this election and was willing to take a stand for America by asking the Supreme Court to look at these issues in our state. While there are people trying to say he pushed to overturn the results of the election, this simply isn't true. Rep. Bergman stood with the rule of law and stood for election integrity. We stand with our congressman. Maureen Jeannot Honor” [Maureen Jeannot, Benzie County Record Patriot; 12/29/20]

December 2020: Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman Joined The Texas Lawsuit Challenging Biden’s 2020 Victory. “Michigan State Representative Jack O’Malley is one of 12 legislators who signed onto a legal brief supporting a lawsuit by the Texas attorney general that seeks to overturn President-Elect Joe Biden’s presidential victory on November 3. […] Congressman Jack Bergman, who represents Michigan’s 1st District including the Upper Peninsula and the northern third of the Lower Peninsula, also joined the suit together with three other Republican Congressmen from Michigan.” [Glen Arbor Sun, 12/11/20]

Maureen Jeannot Endorsed Rep. Jack Bergman, Adding “I Fear That If We Don't Elect People Like Jack Bergman, We Won't Have A Country Left To Salvage By 2024.” “I never could have imagined that a midterm election would be such a dire turning point for our country, yet here we are — plunging deeper into economic crisis, becoming more and more dependent on foreign countries for oil, emboldening our enemies and watching our elected officials sell the very soul of America as a bargaining chip for their own gain. It's critically important to re-elect General Jack Bergman for Congress, as he is a conservative and principled man who has stood up against the Biden Administration at every turn and has fought for our country in many ways for most of his life. He is a selfless leader who fights for his constituents and consistently votes to keep government out of our lives. I fear that if we don't elect people like Jack Bergman, we won't have a country left to salvage by 2024. Within the last two years of Democrat rule, with Congress rubber stamping the Biden Administration's catastrophic plans, we have witnessed an unraveling of our economy, a rapid deterioration of our southern border and an unchecked crime spree that Democrat officials aren't in any hurry to stop. If we don't elect strong Republican leaders who have proven to be individuals of upstanding character and moral fortitude, we will lose our country with two more years of Democrat reign. Thank you Jack Bergman for your service to the American people and northern Michigan. Maureen Jeannot Honor.” [Benzie County Record Patriot, 10/19/22]