2021: Nancy Tiseo Was Appointed As A Republican Canvasser. “Nancy Tiseo of Clinton Township was appointed to a four-year term by the county Board of Commissioners in an 11-1-1 vote to county elections body Oct. 28 (2021).” [Macomb Daily, 11/10/21]
2020: Nancy Tiseo Tweeted At Trump: “Working To Make Thing (Sic) Right Here In Michigan. You Won And They Stole The Election.” [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 11/29/20]
2020: Nancy Tiseo Said She Was Working To Challenge The Election Results In Michigan And Georgia. [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 11/29/20]
December 2020: Nancy Tiseo Called Another Twitter User A “Bimbo” And Appeared To Indicate That She Felt Trump Won The Election. [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 12/28/20]
Nancy Tiseo Encouraged Trump To Invoke The Insurrection Act. [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 12/24/20]
December 2020: Tiseo Used The #Stopthesteal Hashtag And Called On Trump Not To Concede. “Forlini praised Tiseo and the canvassers board, saying it was the fastest it approved results in years. ‘She was a great worker,’ he said of Tiseo. ‘She knocked it out of the park. Nancy rolled up her sleeves with the other board members. They’ve all been excellent and work great together.’ Tiseo in her application says she has ‘an extreme passion for election integrity’ and has experience as a poll challenger. She says she ‘worked as a poll challenger numerous times in Macomb County & Wayne County’ and in Georgia in January 2021. On Twitter, she has posted items associated with #stopthesteal, in reference to the 2020 presidential election results. On Dec. 17,2020, she posted: ‘We love you President Trump! Do not concede!! You won! #Stopthesteal.’ She says she ‘participated in Public Accuracy Testing – City of Detroit.’ She did not provide a date.” [Macomb Daily, 11/10/21]
2021: Nancy Tiseo Retweeted Trump’s Post Regarding His January 6th Rally. [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 1/3/21]
2024: Nancy Tiseo Responded To Michigan Attorney General Tweet Of An Article Questioning If Canvassers Would Be Willing To Certify The Upcoming Election Saying “Shame On You For Even Thinking We’d Do Anything Unlawful”. [@NancyTiseo, Twitter, 8/6/24]