2021: Pamela Trask Began A Four-Year Term On The Board Of Canvassers. According to Dickinson County records, Trask has a four-year term ending in 2025. [Dickinson County, 1/2/24]
Pamela Trask Called The 2020 Election “Stolen” And Said She Had Planned To Be In Washington, DC For January 6th, But Had To Cancel For “Personal Reasons.” “My husband and I had planned to be in Washington, DC this past Wednesday, traveling a total of 32 hours roundtrip by car and tour bus out of Petoskey. We had to cancel for personal reasons, but we wanted to support our President and to stand with others who love our country and just want free and fair elections (considering this one stolen).” [pamtrask.com, 1/8/21]
Pamela Trask: “We Are Asked To Pretend That A Demented Joe Biden Won More Votes Than Any Candidate In History.” “I’ve been nauseated for the past two days as I view the disintegration of our nation. The cowardice of our elected representatives who overlook obvious fraud, plug their ears, don’t want to deal with the messy details, and bend and break rules to achieve their desired outcome means they have failed the nation, all of them, from Mike Pence down both sides of the aisle. They are the elites and you’d better not mess with them . . . or else. You just might get shot. And that would be justified, you filthy, unarmed Trump-supporter. We are asked to pretend that a demented Joe Biden won more votes than any candidate in history. I won’t rehash the details, but there is so much about the 2020 election that makes little sense.” [pamtrask.com, 1/8/21]
1/8/21: Pamela Trask Said 1/6 Showed You Can’t “Mess With” The “Elites” Or “You Just Might Get Shot. And That Would Be Justified, You Filthy, Unarmed Trump-Supporter.” “The cowardice of our elected representatives who overlook obvious fraud, plug their ears, don’t want to deal with the messy details, and bend and break rules to achieve their desired outcome means they have failed the nation, all of them, from Mike Pence down both sides of the aisle. They are the elites and you’d better not mess with them . . . or else. You just might get shot. And that would be justified, you filthy, unarmed Trump-supporter. We are asked to pretend that a demented Joe Biden won more votes than any candidate in history. I won’t rehash the details, but there is so much about the 2020 election that makes little sense.” [pamtrask.com, 1/8/21]
1/14/21: Pamela Trask Said Society Was Attempting “To Make Patriotic People Look Like Domestic Terrorists.” “I think about the contentious society we live in right now–the left’s censorship and cancel culture, the attempt to make patriotic people look like domestic terrorists, the frightening loss of liberties coming with this new socialist administration. Because of this, I like calling my sauerkraut Liberty Cabbage. For me, it’s not about disrespecting the Germans (their culture or their food). I suppose it’s my personal protest and a way to affirm my love of God-given liberty. Americans are liberty loving people, for the most part. We treasure our freedoms and should rise up against anyone who will take them. I will continue to speak up for liberty. I will continue to support President Trump’s successful, righteous MAGA policies. And, of course, I will continue to make and eat my Liberty Cabbage!” [pamtrask.com, 1/14/21]
Pamela Trask On The 2020 Election: “The Cowardice Of Our Elected Representatives Who Overlook Obvious Fraud […] They Have Failed The Nation, All Of Them, From Mike Pence Down Both Sides Of The Aisle.” “I’ve been nauseated for the past two days as I view the disintegration of our nation. The cowardice of our elected representatives who overlook obvious fraud, plug their ears, don’t want to deal with the messy details, and bend and break rules to achieve their desired outcome means they have failed the nation, all of them, from Mike Pence down both sides of the aisle. They are the elites and you’d better not mess with them . . . or else. You just might get shot. And that would be justified, you filthy, unarmed Trump-supporter. We are asked to pretend that a demented Joe Biden won more votes than any candidate in history. I won’t rehash the details, but there is so much about the 2020 election that makes little sense.” [pamtrask.com, 1/8/21]
2022: Pamela Trask Shared A Facebook Post On Then-Attorney General Candidate, Matt DePerno. [Pamela Slater Trask, Facebook, 5/11/22]
Pamela Trask Shared A Photo In Support Of Kristina Karamo. [Pamela Slater Trask, Facebook, 9/30/22]