
The Governor does not play a direct role in the post-election process, except under emergency circumstances. However, they are responsible for appointing members of the State Election Board and the Commissioner of Elections, both subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-102(A); Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-102(B). They also designate the chair and vice chair of the board each year. Va. Code § 24.2-102(A).

Additionally, in a situation where the Governor issues an emergency declaration, they then also have the power to issue an executive order postponing election(s) in the area affected by the emergency. This postponement can be for no more than 14 days Va. Code § 24.2-603.1. In this situation, the Governor also has the power to permit voters to recast previously cast damaged or destroyed ballots and direct election offices to send replacement absentee ballots to affected voters. Va. Code § 24.2-603.1.

Election and Vacancy Information
