
The below contains information on members of Virginia’s 133 local Electoral Boards, General Registrars, and other key individuals in certain localities like Directors of Election and Assistant or Deputy Registrars.

Additionally, through our research, Informing Democracy has identified a number of individuals in positions of influence over Virginia’s election process whose prior actions have raised areas of concern. They are identified by area of concern, along with supporting research materials, in the Research Library.

Virginia's elections are generally well organized and run by dedicated public servants. Despite a small number of individuals who have raised areas of concern, as indicated here and supported by research findings, the vast majority of election administrators across the Commonwealth are committed to supporting the free and fair democratic election process and the voters within their localities.

UPDATE: This report is a living document based on research, interviews with election officials, and feedback from partners on the ground. Based on such feedback, areas of concern surrounding potential voter disenfranchisement have been removed from this report, pending further research and refinement of its definition. These findings surfaced in Informing Democracy's research, but are tangential to our targeted focus on the vote counting and election certification processes, and merit further study.

For more details on our research process, please visit our methodology and objective pages.


For a more complete description of Informing Democracy’s definitions, visit: Definitions


This is a term used to classify indicators of willingness, sympathy, or inclination to undermine the legitimacy of elections. These types of actions include:

Election Subverter

Someone who has taken direct action to subvert the administration, counting, or reporting of a fair and free election. This includes, but is not limited to: