Our Approach

Informing Democracy believes that it is essential that election outcomes reflect the will of the voters, and are not influenced by those running our elections after the votes are cast. To understand the process and practice of vote counting and election certification, we worked to identify laws, rules, and regulations governing our elections and supplemented that material with analysis of prior practice through public records and first-person interviews of the officials who carry out this work.

Research into the makeup of these offices and the rules, processes, and timelines detailed below began with a review of the Virginia election code and formal rules promulgated by the State Board of Elections as well as guidance and directives produced by the Virginia Department of Elections. We also conducted a written survey of 43 election officials in the state—who are members of either the Voter Registrars Association of Virginia or the Virginia Electoral Board Association, as well as some follow-up phone and in-person interviews with a small subset of these officials. More information about the methodology of this survey can be found here:

2023 Virginia Survey Methodology + Questions

We also conducted research on the officials with the power to influence the process in order to identify any concerns related to the mounting efforts to undermine the integrity of our elections. Key narrative findings can be found here: Overview of Vulnerabilities + Potential Threats Among Election Officials

Additionally, a list of reviewed officials, along with details on their offices and research findings where relevant can be found here: Overview: Library of Election Officials + Research Findings

This document is intended to synthesize the information from these sources and provide examples to aid understanding but is NOT a legal document and should not be interpreted to contradict or supersede any advice from the Virginia Department of Elections or your local elections officials. Further, this document is being provided for informational purposes only and not as part of an attorney-client relationship. The information is not a substitute for expert legal or other professional advice.

If you would like to offer additional information or to discuss with our research team, please contact us at: info [@] informingdemocracy.org