
A voter whose eligibility cannot be readily determined at the polling place or who registers on Election Day is allowed to vote with a provisional ballot. Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-653(A). There are two types of provisional ballots: ID-only and regular. For more details on these different types of ballots, the rules that govern issuing provisionals, and curing them see:

Types of Provisional Ballots

A voter is required to vote a provisional ballot for the following reasons (see ““GREB Ch 13” at 4-10):

What Happens After a Voter Casts a Provisional Ballot

After a voter casts his or her vote on a regular provisional ballot, the election officer will place the regular provisional ballot into the provisional envelope, record the reason for the provisional vote in the space provided on the back of the envelope, and the election officer will sign the envelope. ”GREB Ch 13” at 5-6. It is important for the election officer to fill out the envelope correctly as the information provided on the envelope appears to assist the Electoral Board with the ultimate adjudication of the voter’s eligibility. ”GREB Ch 13” at 20 (“Prior to beginning the meeting, the Electoral Board should have the #1A [and, if used, the #1B] provisional votes envelopes for all precincts.”) **(emphasis original).

The election officer must also provide the voter with a written notice indicating the process to cure the provisional ballot. [2] Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-653(B).

Precinct Provisional Ballots Log

Officers of election are responsible for completing the Precinct Provisional Ballots Log, on a rolling basis throughout Election Day. “GREB Ch 13” at 16.” This document serves as the pollbook for these ballots and details the reason each provisional ballot is issued in the precinct. “GREB Ch 13” at 7-8, 16. After polls close, the log must be placed in “evelope #8” and is used by the General Registrar in researching the claims by voters using provisional ballots in advance of the provisional ballot meeting. “GREB Ch 13” 16. The log is also later used to track the Local Electoral Board’s determination of the eligibility of these ballots. “GREB Ch 13” at 16.

Curing Processing Provisionals